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What is Telehealth?

Telehealth appointments occur in real time. This means you  will be able to see, hear, & talk with your speech pathologist - just as you would in a face-to face consultation. 

Does it work as well as a clinic therapy session?

Yes, it does & has plenty of research evidence to support its effectiveness. 

Do I need to sit with my child like I would when I attend a clinic appointment? 

Similar to a clinic therapy visit we recommend a parent/caregiver to be seated with the child so that you are familiar with the therapy activities that will be provided for home practice. This will enable you to practice in the most effective way for your child with the therapy activities. 

Will I still get home work to practice at home with my child?

All activities will be emailed to you within 24 hours from the time the therapy session occurs so that you may practice daily with your child.

Is it easy to use?

Watch the video below and see how easy it is to use.

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